Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Dear Dr, Bolin,

I am pleased to submit a research article entitled “Attracting Prospective Students to Master’s Program: A Dilemma for Library and Information Science Education” by Amara Malik and Kanwal Ameen for consideration for publication in you prestigious journal.

This manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Thank you for your consideration!


This paper examines the issue and challenges of enticing promising students in library and information science (LIS) education in Pakistan. It also identifies the practical strategies in this regard by exploring the perceptions of faculty members. A questionnaire sent to heads of departments and semi-structured interviews with faculty were employed to collect data. The findings of the study identify social, physical, procedural, and behavioral hindrances to attracting brilliant students. The study revealed a need for fundamental changes by expanding intellectual jurisdiction, restructuring academic offerings, redesigning curriculum contents and revamping social image of the profession and professionals. The findings of the study may lead to better understanding of the phenomenon in Pakistan and other countries with a similar context.
