Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-15-2020

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The present study tries to focus on the various facets of authorship pattern in data science during 2001-2018. Annual growth rate of articles, authorship pattern, author productivity rate, degree of collaboration, author collaboration network visualization and finally the application of Lotka’s law are the major thrust of this research. The highest AGR 46.43% was noticed in the year 2016 followed by 39.53% in 2014 and 37.67% in 2015. The lowest AGR -20.75% was noticed in the year 2002. Only 21.83% articles were published by single author whereas 78.17% articles contributed by two or more than two authors. The lowest AAPP was 2.25 with highest PPA was 0.44 observed in the year 2015. On the other side, highest AAPP at 3.88 with lowest PPA at 0.25 is seen in the year 2002. The study reflects that overall Degree of Collaboration is 0.78 that indicates large number of collaboration among the authors. The highest Collaborative Index 5.06 is seen in the year 2001 and minimum Collaborative Index 2.63 is in the year 2015. Seventy authors with greatest total link strength have been represented through VOSviewer’s author collaboration network. Finally it can be mentioned that the data set derived from this research largely follows Lotaka’s law of author productivity.
