"Research Productivity and Citation Impact of S.C. Sharma as Seen throu" by N Vasantha Raju and N.S. Harinarayana

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study presented the bibliometric analysis of Sharma’s research publications as found in the Scopus database. The study presents the publication profile of Sharma in terms of the number of papers published, top journals where Sharma has published his research papers frequently, subject area, author collaborations, and institutional collaboration and so on. The study also analyzes the research impact through citations count, highly cited papers and h-index. VOSviewer, a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks, was used to visualize the co-author collaborations, country collaborations and keyword analysis. A comparative analysis of the Scopus and the Google Scholar indicates the differences existing between these databases for analyzing individual author’s research and citation impact.
