Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



A survey


This study examines the need of integrating e-learning in the teaching-learning process of the ‘Use of Library’ as a panacea to enhancing students’ learning/understanding of the course in federal universities in Nigeria. The study was guided by four research questions while descriptive survey research design was employed as study methodology. A purposive random sampling method was applied to get sampled population of 748 comprising of 304 lecturers and 444 students of 200 levels. A questionnaire titled: ‘e-learning in the teaching-learning process of use of library with 46 items designed on Likert 4-point scale was used in collecting data for the study. Prior to using the instrument for the study, a pilot-test was conducted and was found to have a reliability coefficient of o.78 using a Cronbach alpha coefficient measurement to determine the reliability of the research instrument while data collected for the study analyzed using mean score at 2.50 rating and standard deviation. The only hypothesis formulated for the study was testing using the z-test at 0.05 level of significance. The outcome of the study indicate that e-learning is an indispensable tool for enhancing the teaching and learning as well as the understanding of ‘Use of Library’ by students in federal universities in Nigeria therefore permissible and pertinent to effectively integrate e-learning in the teaching-learning process of ‘Use of Library’. The result of the study also shows that there is no statistically significant difference between the mean rating of lecturers and students’ on the extent to which e-learning will enhance students understanding of ‘Use of library’ in federal universities in Nigeria,. Finally, recommendations were made based on identified challenges.
