Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 10-5-2020

Document Type



To measure the research impact on “Early Death”, literatures indexed in SCOPUS has been downloaded from 1999 to 2018 towards the implemented of a few scientometric techniques. Brief information about the pain of the “Early Death” has been given in the introduction along with the information related to the work done in this research. A few literatures related to the scientometric study have been reviewed. The data utilized for the research work was only for 20 years and from the SCOPUS database, alone. The methodology adopted for the research work was descriptive research. Relevant hypotheses are framed to test the variables. Regression test proved that the literatures published between 2009 and 2013 are fit to calculate the doubling time of the records. Among the type of literatures, “Articles” dominated the other typeof literatures involved in the publications. It was identified that the collaborative publications played dominant role over the single authorship. The degree of collaboration was 0.90. Top three positions towards the maximum productivity have been occupied by the USA authors. The fitness test of Lotka’s Law of Bibliometrics was conducted through Kolmogorov Smirnov Test. The author productivity of this research work does not fit Lotka’s Law of author productivity. The article is concluded with a request to the MHRD of the global countries to encourage the scientists to do many more research on “Early Death” to give more awareness to the society to make the human beings to live and lead a happy long life.
