Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Utilization of collective manpower in an effective manner is the key to the success of every organization. LIS Students need to be more practical and trained with intensive and extensive knowledge about the use of IT, Communication as well as Soft skills. A competency-based pedagogy and interdisciplinary approach within the institutions can deal with all these. Pedagogy is the approach to learning, refers to the theory and practice of learning, and how this process influences the social, political and psychological development of learners. LIS schools have redesigned their teaching-learning techniques to a great extent to keep track of the latest updates in the knowledge world. This paper discusses the status, developments and opportunities of library and information science education, curriculum, training and employment opportunities in DLIS at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kerala, India. It also provides a brief overview of the historical perspective of LIS education and the LIS curriculum development processes in India and Kerala. The paper also discusses the importance of Competency-Based LIS Curriculum and its involvement in the development of professional growth and how interdisciplinary subject approach will help in this process within the campus.
