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The study assesses highly cited research works in the area Business, Management and Accounting retrieving data from Scopus database for the period 1998-2017. It found total 49417 publications which received 769676 citations. The study identifies about one third (32.88%) of papers have remained uncited during the period. Among rest, papers’ having one citation (10.60%) is higher. It is inferred from the analysis that older publications get more citations. Indian citation distribution is almost similar with global citation distribution pattern. The study identifies Cranfield University of UK has greater impact. International collaboration brings higher citations and Netherlands has higher citation per paper (27.33) due to its international collaborative research. Besides, language may be a barrier of research communication. Clusters and the new is highly cited paper. Out of top ten highly cited research papers, six papers are single authored and two papers have international collaboration. Maximum authors are from USA. Harvard business review is the quality journal.
