"Library Services Needed by the Disabled in Iran: A Qualitative Study" by Mansoureh Feizabadi, Esmaeil Vaziri et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



Persons with Disabilities are the world's largest minority. This group, like others, needs information and skills to play a positive role in the community. Public libraries play an important role in providing services to the community, including People with Disabilities, by providing a variety of sources and services. The present study has been conducted using the qualitative content analysis method for identifying the types of library services and programs required for people with visually impaired, physically disabled, and hearing impaired using a semi-structured interview. The sample of the study consisted of 84 individuals, including librarians of public libraries and the disabled in the three groups mentioned. The identified library needs and services are categorized into eight categories: planning and budgeting, advertising and service development, library accessibility and physical condition, services and programs, human resources and training, collection, information equipment, and technology and welfare facilities. The category of services and programs had the highest frequency in all three groups of the disabled. In the group of physically disabled individuals, the category of accessibility ranked highest, and in the two groups of the blind and deaf, services and programs had the highest frequency. The need to know about library services in different ways (email, SMS, and social media, …) had the highest frequency. Public libraries should plan to make the library accessible, and provide a variety of services and programs for individuals with disabilities

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