Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study assesses awareness, use and adoption benefits of SMAC (Smart, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud Computing) Technologies among the LIS professionals working across the libraries of different strata in India. 235 responses obtained using a structured questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics method. 99.6% respondents use mobile phones, 58.7% post library activities using social media daily for this purpose 61.3% use Facebook, 52.8% use YouTube, 69.4 use WhatsApp, 31.5% use Facebook Messenger and 18.7% use Instagram. Majority use mobile apps for rendering services, 14.9% for searching catalogue, 11.9% for membership facilities, 8.5%, 10.6% for book renewal facilities and book reservation respectively, 10.6% for SMS alert service, 14.5% for E-resources facility, 10.5% Reference queries and 7.7% for providing referral services. 16.6% have and 15.3% don’t have appropriate analytical tools to handle big data. Regarding the benefits 40.0% and 35.3% strongly agreed on Cost savings on hardware and software with regards to Cloud Computing, 28.9% and 13.2% strongly agree for the benefits on ‘Cost savings on IT operations staff’ and no upfront investment respectively. For overall benefits of SMAC, 32.9% strongly agreed and 34.0% agreed on education benefits, 33.2% strongly agree and 36.6% agreed on Research Benefits, 32.8% agreed and 12.8% strongly agreed on behaviour benefits, 13.6% strongly agreed and 43.0% agreed on cultural benefits.
