Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 10-26-2020

Document Type



A Scientometrics focused on quantitative study aspects of the publications and citation study is an emerging trend and thrust area of scientometrics study and derives the quantitative and qualitative research for describing the result of cited documents. This study depicts the qualitative and quantitative study of journal’s contributors, institutions and countries. In this study, A total 1872 publications with 15711 citations analyzed to know the productivity of the Journal ‘Scientometrics’ during the period from 2015 to 2019. The paper covers the growth rate of publications and citation impact, author’s productivity, authorship patterns, and most relevant country-wise & institutions-wise distribution of contributors. Data extracted from Web of Science and Bibiblimetrix R package was used for data analysis and VOSviewer was used for collaboration networks. Sankey diagram was used for interconnecting the relationship between country, authors and keywords.
