Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of electronic resources (e-resources) by the academic staff of University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The study aimed to determine their awareness and perceptions towards the e-resources, training, and the factors affecting the usage. Convenient sampling method was used to select a sample of 37 academics from a population of 431. The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches, by using a questionnaire and a discussion. The study revealed that the majority often uses Internet to fulfill their information needs, they have learnt about the availability of the e-resources from their colleagues, majority is self-trained in using the e-resources, and is confident on their searching skills. The majority find that their information needs are only partially fulfilled by the e-resources provided by the library. Lack of access to archival materials, absence of full text, absence of remote access and lack of training are the key challenges they encounter. Findings could be used to inform the future subscription to e-resources, developing infrastructure to improve access, and to focus the Information Literacy programs, and to develop rigorous marketing strategies to promote the e-resources. This is the first detailed study on the use of e-resources by the academics of University of Jaffna, and made a significant contribution to the understanding of the usage trends and the factors affecting the usage. The findings and recommendations could benefit similar academic institutions in developing countries like Sri Lanka.
Acknowledgement: Funding provided to the corresponding author by the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications, (INASP), UK for a country-wide survey and the support extended by Mrs. S. Arulanantham, former Librarian University of Jaffna in data collection is greatly acknowledged.