"Analysis Effect of Audit Information Technology : Green Technology, Sm" by Merlin Apriliyanti, Ilham m et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 10-7-2020

Document Type



This research article accommodates problems and provides solutions related to the implementation of information technology in higher education


This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of technology and integrated information systems and recommend the development of new systems at PTKIN (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang). The study of information technology management in tertiary institutions aims to measure the extent to which the application of information technology is able to support the activities of the Tri Dharma College in order to achieve world class universities. In measuring the results of the audit of information technology management the tertiary institution will conduct evaluation, monitoring and further development of information system components needed in the overall system integration by using COBIT framefork which is expected to have a high level of maturity (maturity level) such as IT Infrastructure Components, Superstructure Components Campus, Stakeholder Profile Components, Variety of IT and Application Utilization Components, National Education Strategy Components, Technology Impact Impact Components, External Community Components, and Trend Adoption Components. The conclusion from the results of this study is that Green Technology has an influence on the Improvement of Organizational Business Services, and Green Technology has an influence on Organizational Business Performance Improvement. Integrated Smart Systems affect the Improvement of Organizational Business Services and Integrated Smart Systems affect the Improvement of Organizational Business Performance. Then Information Technology Audit Management has an influence on Organizational Services Improvement and Information Technology Audit Management has an influence on Organizational Business Performance Improvement. In addition, Work Behavior Innovation has an influence on Organizational Service Improvement and Work Behavior Innovation Influences Organizational Business Performance Improvement.
