Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 11-15-2020

Document Type



Information Seeking Behavior is a “consequence of a need perceived by an information user, who, in order to satisfy that need, makes demands upon formal or informal information sources or services, which result in success or failure to find relevant information”. The present study is an attempt to analyze the information seeking behavior of the PG students of social science faculties in University of Kashmir, Srinagar. The survey method was used as a data collection tool with the help of pre-defined questionnaire and interview was conducted during the month of November, 2019.There were 280 questionnaires distributed among PG students of social science disciplines, out of which a total of 245 duly filled questionnaires were returned back with a response rate of 87.5%.The findings revealed that application of ICT in libraries has greatly influenced the information seeking behavior of PG social science students in University of Kashmir.
