"Village Library Capacity Building for Community Empowerment: A Case st" by Endang Fitriyah Mannan and Esti Anugrah

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



The development of information and communication technology makes the process of capacity building a necessity for libraries including those located in rural areas. The purpose of this study is to analyze the capacity building process of village libraries. The research method used is a case study with a qualitative research approach to obtain detailed and in-depth data. This research was conducted in 3 village libraries located in Karanglo Village, Podoroto Village, and Tondo Wulan Village in Jombang Regency, East Java. The results showed that the village libraries had conducted capacity building with the aim of community empowerment. The capacity building process that has been done includes formulating a new vision and mission, replacing the old organizational structure, providing training for village library managers, and creating a village library program according to the needs of the village community for community empowerment.
