Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study aims at assessing the competencies and attitude in using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) among librarians working in Govt. and Govt. Aided First Grade Colleges (Affiliated to University of Mysore) of Mysore region in Karnataka, India. The study emphasizing on exploring the competency level in using ICT based applications, library automation and digital library software, use of e-resources, difficulties faced among the responding librarians and also knowing attitude towards using ICT. The results of the study shows that majority of librarians have good competency level in using basic ICT & e-resources and also felt the need for further training in improving the use of ICT applications to render better library services to their users. Lack of sufficient budget for ICT implementation in the libraries is also a major concern in acquiring ICT skills among librarians. In spite of some difficulties, majority of respondents have shown positive attitude towards using ICT and its applications in library services.
