Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-23-2020

Document Type



This a original research conducted among the medical faculties and research students. The plagiarism is less than 5% for the article.

For your kind review and acceptance please...


The present study assesses the effectiveness of medical consortium HELINET established in 2003 by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS). The use, productivity and impact of HELINET subscriptions to the electronic sources were analysed. 1207 responses obtained from 39 medical institutions includes 60.3% male and 39.7% female respondents includes the respondents include doctors, medical professionals, and other medical and para-medical, Clinical study practitioners, research scholars and students on HELINET resources from medical and super speciality subjects. 23.4% used e-resources for teaching and learning, 18.3% for research purpose, 10.3% and 10.2% used resources for patient care and course work respectively, and 9.3% used for continuing education. The usefulness of the e-resources was analysed and found significant Chi-Square value of 1.680E2 with a P-value of 0.001. E-resource usage data for 10 years has shown increasing trend year-on-year, the year 2012 witnessed 685680 articles download at the rate of 1131.07% in comparison to the previous year. The publication data shows that the top 10 institutions above 100 publications cumulative have started to show the increasing trend in terms of research output such as research articles in reputed journals on an international scope.
