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This study aimed to perform a scientometric analysis of the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, from 2002 to 2020. The study has used different scientometric dimensions to evaluate the quantitative growth of research publications. The affiliation search was performed to find out the research publications by using the Scopus database. To make the analysis complete and to get better outcomes, authors have considered total publications produced since the inception of ISB, Hyderabad. This study has analysed the year-wise growth of publications, most preferred sources, authorship pattern, subject-wise distribution of papers, etc. Furthermore, the study also explored international research collaboration. During the study period, the study identified a total of 561 publications and 12029 citations. The study found that 2015 and 2018 are the most productive years with 52 publications. The majority of the papers have appeared under three authorship patterns, and the Degree of Collaboration and Collaborative Coefficient is apparent with a total of 0.90 and 0.57, respectively. The "Panel data models with spatially correlated error components" published by "Kapoor M., Kelejian H.H., Prucha I.R published in the Journal of Econometrics Section is a highly cited (335) paper, and Production and Operations Management is the topmost source for publication.