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Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).

Respected Editor,

It is to bring to your kind notice that I am submitting a manuscript for publication in the ‘Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)’ entitled “An Appraisal of Research delineate of Jordan during 2015 to 2019: A Reflection from Scopus Database”. It has neither been published nor has been submitted for publication elsewhere.

The manuscript is based on the publication performance of Jordanian research institutes. It gives the overall research portfolio of Jordan during the last five years by representing the various publication constructs using different bibliometrics methods. The inferences of the manuscript will be helpful for your readers and its research implications and quality measurements can be used for newer areas of research in other countries. The manuscript is relevant for the journal and its scope and we hope its publication can help your readers largely in this scientific area.

Thanking you


Dr. Omar Mohammad Al-Jaradat

Department of Library and Information Science,

Irbid University College, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan.

(E-mail ID:


The study is perceived to find the research performance of Jordanian Institutes during the last five years in scopus database. Jordan has produced a total of 14722 research articles published in national and international journals during 2015 to 2019 with a continuous gradual increase both in publications as well as in citations. The public and older universities have performed better as compared to the private and newly established universities. Although, the major chunk of articles has been published in national journals however, as far as the citations are concerned, the international journals have taken a lead. A total of 4767 journals have been used for publications, however, 227 have been identified as the core collection journals. The non local journals with high impact factor and citescore have got the maximum citations, although very less no. of articles have been published by Jordanian researchers. The medicine, engineering, computer science, mathematics, etc. are the top contributing subjects while as the finance, economics, neuroscience, veterinary, and decision sciences are weaker subjects. The keywords analysis also reflects the strong hold of medicine and health researches in the country. The Lancet has been identified as the top cited journal followed by New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet Neurology, IEEE Access, JAMA Oncology and the less cited journal were International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Jordan Journal of Physics, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research. Khader YS with 195 articles, Alzoubi KH with 143 articles and Khabour OF with 106 articles all from the Jordan University of Science and Technology are the top authors in Jordan. A total of 2208 articles are written by single authors and 12514 by multiple authors with a highly skewed correlation been identified between the authors and the no. of authors with 27979 authors contributing only single publication while as 195 articles have been published by only one author. The United States followed by Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom has been identified as the top collaborated countries of Jordan and the countries like Tajikistan, Solomon Islands and Cambodia are weakly collaborated. It is found that the highly cited articles are published in the Lancet Journal and with more collaboration of authors more citations have been identified. The top ranked articles in terms of citations have been published by the highly collaborated authors. The Jordanian researchers are citing mostly the newer research which may be related with the stronger areas of knowledge like medicine, computer sciences, engineering as per the Reference Publication Year Spectroscopy (RPYS).
