Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Technological expertise is the combination of knowledge and skill needed to apply technology for efficient and effective performance. This study investigates the technological expertise of eight university librarians using interview as data collection tool. Interview questions were based on technological template (T-template) or technology evaluation list for staff. It has been used by Education, Libraries & Heritage (ELH) Department’s ICT service in UK, California and Alberta public libraries to assess the IT competencies of their staff . The Template has been adopted and customized to meet the local requirements. It was used to measure the degree of professional technological expertise of the participants. The main categories of T-template were computer hardware, word processing, internet, troubleshooting and ILS (integrated library system) expertise. Findings show that participants were proficient enough in basic computer skills and were able to computerize their library collections. Findings also established that computerized acquisition and circulation systems were not very common in practice among professionals. Lack of advanced internet and ILS expertise is reported due to less urge in learning and exploring technology. The technological template adopted and customized in this study can be further utilized to assess the technological expertise of all the library professionals in Pakistan. Results though indicative, but could not be generalized due to its small sample.
