Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-23-2020

Document Type



E-resources are a significant portion of library collections nowadays. These sources have a significant role in science and technology in comparison to social science and humanities subjects. There are not many online sources available in language and literature, and those available are scattered. Therefore, there is a necessity to study the use and awareness of e-resources of language and literature subjects. The current study is an endeavor to analyze the awareness and utilization of e-resources by the research scholars of the Faculty of Arts, Banaras Hindu University, and find out the problems and constraints the users face in accessing the e-resources with some purposeful suggestions for its improvement. The finding shows that libraries need to improve the facilities and services to their users. The libraries also need to focus on acquiring more online resources to be made available for the maximum number of users. A single window also needed to be developed to find the required content at a single click. The library also makes a helpline desk to solve e-resources related issues. Awareness is essential for maximum utilization of the e-resources so, libraries must conduct awareness programs for newly admitted students every year.
