Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The scenario of LIS education and research in India and its overall development is very much progressive today. The number of library and information science departments has been increasing from 1960s and over time this subject has gradually emerged as a stream. In this study we will review the state and institutional distribution of the subject over time. As on 2017 the review has been done on total 1225 number of theses. Research in this subject has been steadily increasing since the 1980s and has so far been largely in the states of West. Bengal, Karnataka & Maharashtra. Karnataka University has highest number of theses among all the universities in India.This paper also highlighted on the total number and distribution of theses on the basis of subject content on LIS education since independence constituting all the Universities and institutions of India and also depicts the scope of interdisciplinary work of this subject field of study. The research growth and subject category wise distribution of the PhD theses of The Universities of Burdwan also taken into account. Community Information Service, Information System, Sources and Services and Bibliometrics study receives sheer percentage of work. The findings show that in The University of Burdwan the major work also have been done on the same field of study.
