Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Background. In the information and knowledge world, libraries always played their important role and found as early adopters of new techniques and technologies for dissemination of information.

Purpose. If we understand the metadata as a researcher’s perspective, it is exploratory in its nature which provides guidance to the further data which is explanatory. There are many metadata challenges which affect the execution and accessibility of relevant data. These challenges must be recognized at one place so that LIS professionals having interest in metadata could be able to understand these challenges and hurdles concerning with libraries. So, this this study is being conducted to find out the challenges of metadata and bring these challenges synthetically from scattered literature for the readers.

Design/methodology/approach. To compete this study, a systematic literature review approach has been followed. Thirteen paper are selected to find out the challenges faced by the libraries concerning with the metadata.

Findings. In this systematic review 85 challenges were found from the scholarly published literature which are categorized into 19 categories according to their nature and likeliness. Further, general challenges and project based challenges are presented separately.

Practical implications. Through this study scattered challenges of metadata faced by the libraries are grouped together to strengthen the lacking information. This paper will add knowledge in the existing literature in form of comprehensiveness.
