Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Purpose: The present study sought to analyze the IRINS implemented Research & Development Organizations in India, their top departments, scientist’s publications and citations of individual organization.
Methodology: The data were collected from the website of Indian Research Information Network System (IRINS) and the data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and using simple calculations.
Findings: The analysis finds that the CSIR-NAL has the highest scientist/faculty members 386 (47.02%). The CSIR-NIIST has the highest Scopus citation 39180(26.96%) and cross ref citation 43238(32.60%). The CSIR-NIIST ranks first with 2223 scholarly resources. The Clinical Research Centre, ACTREC has the highest scholarly resources 1289(38.88%) with 41 h-Index. Dr. Harish Barshilia, CSIR – NAL has the highest contribution of 193(17.53%) scholarly publications with 5110 (22.98%) citations, 4455(23.44%) cross ref citations and 43 h-Index.
Originality/value: This paper investigates trends in the research information management in R&D organizations in the context of IRINS which will be unfamiliar to many LIS professionals, and puts them in the context of professional practice.