Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 11-26-2020

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The study assessed the forms, benefits, and extent of academic libraries' reliance on resource sharing. The study consisted of 66 respondents of which four (4) were library directors while sixty-two (62) were library staff. Library directors were purposely sampled while simple random sampling was used to select library staff for inclusion in this study. Data were collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) Version 20 was used to analyze quantitative data while qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. Findings revealed that the forms for resource sharing in academic libraries in Tanzania are consortia, networking, interlibrary loan and staff training. Findings also revealed that the benefits of resource sharing in libraries include increased subscription power, minimization of library storage spaces, helps in keeping up with publication pace, and brings materials not in stock at less cost. Furthermore, the study revealed that the extent of academic libraries' reliance on resource sharing is medium. The study concludes that the medium extent of academic libraries' reliance on information sharing is due to a lack of appropriate infrastructure that supports information resource sharing practices in academic libraries. Generally, the study recommends that academic libraries should formulate effective teams that will ensure library resource sharing is properly conducted using the right forms for the right patron at the right time to arrest the patrons' information needs on time.
