"The new trend for digital record management in Bangladesh University L" by Md. Habibur Rahman

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the present practicing situation of DRM in the university libraries of Bangladesh. The more particular objectives are: to identify the present preservation scenario of DRM; to find out the problems of DRM which are facing archivists for long term preservation; to identify the necessary tools and technologies for DRM; to explore the ways to overcome the existing problems.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Survey methods were used for gathering data using a well-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to the respondents of some selected public and private universities in Bangladesh.

Findings: The findings revealed that there are some hindrances to practice DRM, such as lack of stable preservation software, shortage of skilled IT personnel, allocation of insufficient budget, shortage of digital records, lack of proper training of library professionals and provided some suitable suggestions such allocation of adequate fund, infrastructure development, recruitment of IT knowledgeable professionals, the simplicity of the intellectual property act, the willingness of authority regarding the implementation of DRM, frequently training arrangements for library professionals for the advancement of DH in the university libraries of Bangladesh.

6. Originality/value: The insights and views of the respondents regarding DRM tools and technologies obtained from this study are original and unique.
