"Scholarly Communications in Knowledge Economy by a premier Indian Chem" by GATI KRUSHNA NAYAK, SUDAM CHARAN SAHU et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-17-2020

Document Type



This paper made an attempt to analyze publications of CSIR-NCL, Pune a reputed world class 70 years renowned Chemistry & Chemical Engineering R&D Laboratory during the last 10 years w.e.f. 2010-2019 as reflected in SCOPUS multidisciplinary international database. The total number of 5372 research publications have been downloaded and analyzed according to the objectives. This paper gives a complete view of the evaluation of research outcomes of the CSIR-NCL, Pune the productive and influential in innovative research. This paper vigorously tries to give a complete view of the evaluation of research outcomes of the CSIR-NCL, Pune in India that ought to be the most productive and influential in innovative research in various diversified areas including Chemistry, Chemical technology & engineering along with Physical & Biological sciences too. They account for significant research outcomes with a high number of citations, growth rate of research publication year wise, have the most productive authors, authorship pattern, productivity per capita, degree of collaboration etc. Recently, automated workflows to assemble specialized software into comprehensive and organized data flow have begun to emerge for Scientometric study. In this paper, we propose to use an open source and unique tool, developed and produced in R language, for classic logical bibliometrics analysis.

Collaboration.jpg (185 kB)
Country Collaboration Map

Figure NCL.docx (205 kB)
All the figures utilised in our paper

NCL RAWDATA.zip (17529 kB)
all original publication data as extracted from SCOPUS of CSIR-NCL Pune
