Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Objective: The study aimed to find out the implementation and adoption of different security systems in the selected University libraries of Assam. It highlighted the various physical, environmental security systems as well as digital data security systems that were adopted for library security purpose. The study also examined how far these libraries had implemented various electronic security systems like CCTV, RFID, air-conditioner for humidity control, smart card, biometrics, flood detector, fire or smoke sensor etc.
Methods: For the study, total six University libraries had been purposively selected by considering the possible availability of various security measures. A structured questionnaire was prepared for collecting relevant information. To collect more information, personal interview including telephonic conversation and direct observation had also been done.
Results: Finding showed that the academic libraries efficiently adopted and implemented both traditional or manual and technological or digital data security systems even though they had suffered from some technological or financial constraints. Adoption of an effective security plan was the primary key to secure the library resources from theft. Majority of the libraries had its institutional security plan so that these libraries could follow them accordingly.
Conclusion: As time changed, the procedures for securing library resources very much difficult and with technological advancement, the libraries should opt for electronic or digital data security systems. Though the initial investment in such electronic security systems would be high, but in long run, it would provide better results as well as cost-effective for the libraries.