Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The present paper describes the importance of Grey literature (GL) in scholarly communication. It highlights the initiatives taken at the Central Library of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, to digitize and preserve the GL. It dwells upon how 18,000 theses and dissertations were digitized, and 7500 documents related to people’s movements in the pre and post-independence era comprising 3lac pages were digitized and archived. It elaborates on the challenges encountered and overcome, like removing the duplicate copies, assigning metadata, and saving files as PDF/A, budgetary constraints. The study has relevance for other libraries that intend to undertake digitization projects. The paper also describes the Digital Thesis Tracking System which facilitates the research scholars to submit their theses online for evaluation and award of the degree. JNU implemented this online system a few years ago and has reaped rich dividends mostly during this crucial time when the university is closed. It is beneficial for the professionals to implement a system like Digital Thesis Tracking System, facilitating the user community to submit their theses online. The authors recommend implementing such a digital system where the research community can upload their theses, plagiarism report, and other necessary documents. Further, the same can be forwarded to the examiners with ease, and action could be taken. This digital system has the potential to save time and address space and storage concerns of libraries.
