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Social media are powerful tools for reaching out to the whole world and so it is good to make it a marketplace for book publishers. Despite the overwhelming advantages and benefits derivable from the use of social media for marketing, observations showed that the use of social media for marketing by book publishers in Nigeria seemed not as high as expected. The descriptive research design of correlational type was adopted for this study. The total population of the study was 212 and total enumeration technique was used to obtained the sample size of 212. The questionnaire was the main research instrument for data collection and data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. Effort expectancy was found to be significant in the use of social media by staff of publishing firms in South-west, Nigeria. Specifically, the issues of perceived ease of use, complexity and ease of use were found to be significant in the use of social media among the staff of publishing firms. The study concluded that the necessary tools for social media marketing, such as laptops, iPhone, iPad, Android phones and Internet access (data) should be made available to marketers, so that the knowledge and skills of the marketers on the use of social media will be channeled towards book marketing and this will lead to poor performance by marketing and sales theme of the publishing company.
