"The 100 Most-cited Articles in Library Philosophy and Practice (e-jour" by Ikram Ul Haq, Zia Ahmed et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of the 100 most-cited articles published in the electronic journal Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP). Bibliometric studies to determine the attributes of the most-cited articles in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) journals are deficient. The current study was conducted to fill this gap.

Methodology: We conducted a retrospective bibliometric analysis of the 100 most-cited articles of the LPP retrieved from Elsevier’s Scopus database on 31st December 2020. The data was downloaded on Microsoft Excel Sheet for analysis. For comparison, the citations of data these articles were taken from Google Scholar during the first week of January 2021. The dataset was analyzed on the bibliometric indicators of citation impact, chronological distribution, authorship pattern, institutional and geographical affiliations of authors, and subject dispersion.

Results: The 100 most-cited articles of the LPP were published between the years 2001-2018 and these articles gained 1,678 and 8,158 citations in the Scopus and Google Scholar, respectively. The findings revealed that Nigeria (n=44), Delta State University of Nigeria (n=6), and Khalid Mahmood (n=4) were recognized as the most productive country, organization, and author, respectively. The single-author pattern was dominated (n=50) and “Electronic Resources” and “Library Services” were found preferred areas of research. The article entitled, “Knowledge Management as an important tool in Organisational Management: A Review of Literature” by Omotayo, F. O. (2015) was found most influential in the Scopus database.

Conclusion: The LPP is an open-access journal that provides a platform for LIS professionals to share their innovative ideas and findings of original research with the rest of the world. This paper's findings can help to understand the research trends and bibliometric markers of the highly-cited articles in the LIS field.

Value/Originality: This is the first study on the 100 most-cited articles in the LIS field. Further, this kind of research can replicate to any subject category of LIS and other journals to determine the characteristics of the most-cited papers.
