"Application of Cloud Computing Technology in Public Library Services i" by C.P.C Onwubiko, Justice Nnamdi Okorie et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



The discourse is all about the application of cloud computing technology in public libraries services in Nigeria. It gives the conceptual overview of cloud computing, features and the service models, which include SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. The paper also discusses cloud deployment storage models in private, community, public, hybrid and personal cloud. The advocates of cloud computing in libraries are highlighted, alongside cloud computing vendors for libraries. Services areas amendable to cloud computing technology, benefit and challenges are featured in the paper. The hallmark of the paper is the presentation of strategic framework for operational success of the application of cloud computing in public libraries. Concluding, the discourse opines that cloud computing has permeated into libraries in advanced countries and is fast moving to libraries in Asia. Predicated on the framework on operational success and its gained popularity, the discourse advocates that it should be applied in public libraries services in Nigeria.
