Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 3-1-2021

Document Type



Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to find research productivity on 'human migration in Himalayan region' from 1947 to 2019.

Methodology: The data of the present study have been collected from the International bibliographic database 'Scopus'. Total 582 documents were extracted from 282 sources for the Himalayan region (China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Tajikistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, and Afghanistan) under the category of 'Social Science' for the period 1947-2019. Data analysis was conducted by using bibliometric software, namely RStudio's Biblioshiny and Microsoft office, version 2013.

Results: The results reveal that the year 2019 was the most productive year for human migration publications (86 papers). Out of 582 documents, 506 publications are in research paper form. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (22 papers) is the most favored journal by the researchers. Li X is the most prolific author, publishing 23 articles on the topic. China (153) is a highly collaborative and most cited (2505) country
