"Relationships among ICT Training, Skills Acquisition, Use and Job Perf" by Lawal Abubakar and Katamba Abubakar Saka

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-6-2021

Document Type




The study examined the relationships among ICT training, skills acquisition, ICT use and job performance of librarians and library officers in Universities in North-West Nigeria. The study was anchored on four specific objectives and four null hypotheses which were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance respectively. Descriptive survey design was used with population of 1,327 library personnel (74 librarians and 95 library officers) in 18-fully operational universities in North-west Nigeria out of which 169 library personnel were adopted in the seven selected universities using multi-stage sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was two setof structured andfour pointrating scale questionnaire for subordinates and university librarians’and was subjected to validation by library educators and statistics lecturers in a university. Test-retest method was used to pretest( administer) two set of the 40 copies of questionnaire at two week intervals outside the study areas (Federal University of Technology, Minna Nigeria) and the retrieved copies was subjected toCornbrash’s Alpha method to establish a reliability coefficient index of 0.74. Modified copies of questionnaire were administered on respondents and data collected was analyzed by inferential statistics of Pearson moment correlation coefficient and multiple-regression. Out of 167 copies of questionnaire administered, 145 (86 % ) copies were filled, returned and found usable and thus used for data analysis. Findings showed significant relationship between training and job performance, skills acquisition and job performance and ICT use and job performance respectively. The study further discovered significant relative contributionof ICT training, skills acquisition and ICT use to job performance of librarians and library officers in universities in North-West Nigeria. The study concluded that the contribution or otherwise of individual independent variable will lead to high or low level of job performance among library personnel in the universities in the geo-political zone. The study recommended amongst that the management of universities in North West Nigeria should make provision for adequate funds for procurement of ICT facilities; training and re-training of library staff in the area of ICT skills and usage.
