Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose: Major goal of this research was to know the provision of library services to physically disabled students at Government College University Lahore, Pakistan.

Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative method was adopted to meet the objectives of the study. 30 visually impaired students were selected from the GC University Lahore by using random sampling techniques. A list of questions was designed to take an interview from the target population. The required data was gathered by using the interview. Important points were noted by the researcher. Lastly, gathered data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Research limitation (s): This study is limited to the visually impaired students of the GC University Lahore.

Key finding (s): Results of the study show that visually impaired students are satisfied with the services being offered to them at GC University Lahore. They take a deep interest in reading books other than the syllabus. They prefer mostly the English language for reading, utilize braille for reading purposes, and prefer electronic materials. They sometimes face problems of the shortage of audiobooks, computers, and the latest tools.

Practical implication (s): The study recommends providing the latest tools to visually impaired students. University authorities need to increase the budget for the visually impaired students and documented policies need to be formulated for them also. Emerging technologies should be utilized to fulfill the information needs of visually impaired students. Feedback of the visually impaired students should be taken by the university to design more refined services for them so that they can bring the completion of set goals without facing any barriers.

Contribution to knowledge: Findings and recommendations of the study are very fruitful to support the visually impaired students in the educational institutes.

Research type: Research
