Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-28-2021

Document Type



This paper examines the utilisation pattern of e-resources by faculty of the Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Bangalore. The purpose of the study is to understand the utilisation pattern of E-resources and frequency of access to the internet by the faculty members of KIMS. The faculty members of health science universities and/or medical colleges are engaged in teaching, research, and their information needs and expectations are diverse and varied. Realising the importance and usefulness of the E-resources, most of the colleges in India and elsewhere generously invested in procuring and create access to e-resources to support information needs, teaching, learning, and research studies. The paper highlights the usage of different types of e-resources in health sciences, and also the application of web browsers and search engines in this context by the faculty members of KIMS. The levels of satisfaction among faculty members of KIMS towards the E-resources and barriers in using E-resources have been identified in this study.
