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Improving the user interface of websites for people with disabilities can increase the use of websites, which helps promote the quality of life of disabled people. The aim of this study was to explore and evaluate user interface design criteria of Iranian websites for those with physical-motor disabilities. Heuristic evaluation was used in the present study. The user interface criteria of websites for the disabled were extracted from previous studies and a self-made log list was then used to assess the criteria. Six out of forty-five websites in the field of the disabled were selected by purposive sampling and surveyed. Ten main criteria and 76 subcomponents were identified for websites. Display design and search criteria were the most and least important for experts, respectively. Assessments showed that all ten criteria were met to a desired level (average of 62.66%) on websites. Consistency and search criteria had the highest and lowest compliance with criteria with 88.25 and 53.47%, respectively. The website of Irantavana and Iranian Disabled Community received the highest and lowest scores in user interface, respectively. This study can be used as a suitable guide for more efficient design of websites for the disabled.

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