Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study examined the acquisition and use of library resources in Bells University of Technology using statistical record assessment. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. Data was obtained from the library statistics which had been compiled and collated by the staff in the readers' services department over a five year period covering 2005/2006 – 2009/10. The data were analyzed using frequencies, bar charts, and percentages. Results showed that the total book collection is relatively adequate for the total population of 1053 students and 262 staff members of the University and that books and journals consulted, reader's attendance in the library by all categories of users had a steady increase during the five-year period. The paper recommends that the library should acquire more books and journals in appreciable quantity and quality with the creation of the colleges of Engineering and Environmental Sciences and the need for an improved and comprehensive user education programme for returning and new students as well as members of staff. Also priority should be given to the purchase of journals (local and international) and users must be promptly informed of the presence of these journals
