Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-28-2021

Document Type



A country's progress in all aspects like economic, educational, medical, defense, living standards of citizens is possible only through research and the platform for quality research is a university. The generation of knowledge and its transmission has been a requirement for long term progress of a university which is having a direct impact on a nation's development. Universities through research make the highest contribution to a nation's industrial and business growth than any other academic institutions. Library Science evolving as an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field applying the practices, perspectives, and tools of management, information technology,education, in two broad perspectives - to libraries collection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information resources and the political economy of information. This study presents an overview of LIS research on certain parameters namely, geographically prominient region in LIS research, prominient language, most prolific author, most prevalent research areas and most productive year with highest research productivity in the time span 2014 to 2018.
