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Today when technology has walked into every facet of our society, education which is an indispensable and fundamental element, should be given vital importance and cannot be left behind. Mankind has always devised means to help people learn in ways that are easier, faster, surer, or less expensive than previous means. From this perspective, the present study focuses on modern technological implications in academics among students. Educational technology can be traced back to the emergence of very early tools, such as paintings on cave walls (Molenda, 2008; Nye, 2007). However, the use of media for instructional purposes is generally traced back to the first decade of the 20th century.

Use and awareness of Information Technology (IT) is not only an answer to the growing demands for enrolment in education, but is also in tune with the perception of the present day students’ and helps to meet the challenges in the growth of knowledge. In this context, the present study in the perspective of academics is an attempt to understand the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) school students’ computer skills and the use of online information resources. The study tries to know how aware, skilled and comfortable are the school students with IT tools, usage of electronic information resources and assess the factors that influenced their use of Internet.
