Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-1-2021

Document Type



The information revolution presents opportunities as well as challenges for students in finding and getting information that suits their needs. By examining information-seeking behavior in meeting information needs, especially in the undergraduate extension program students in the Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia, a quantitative approach with the descriptive analysis used in this research. The results showed that the information needs of students related to their role as students were to increase knowledge and final project references. Meanwhile, as workers, information is used as a means to develop themselves and meet the demands of work. Information-seeking starts from identifying the topic and subject of the information, preparing keywords as a guideline for searching, selecting, and checking information until the information obtained is then used to reference lectures and jobs. The barriers to information-seeking encountered by students are lack of motivation, limited library collections, and too much and extensive information
