Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study assessed the University Libraries in Southeast Nigeria based on Librarians’ Registration Council of Nigeria Standards: A focus on buildings, furniture and equipment. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study was 10 university libraries in Southeast Nigeria. Total census enumeration sample was used for the study. The sample size for the study consists of 10 university libraries which comprises of five federal and five states university libraries. The instrument for data collection was observation checklist adopted from LRCN standards. The instrument for data collection was validated by three experts. The data collected was analysed with percentage. The finding of the study revealed that the university library building provided for the university libraries in Southeast is not in line with recommended standards and guidelines by Librarians’ Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN). There are some of the major spaces that are required in the university library building such as kitchenette for the library staff to make their coffee; none of the university libraries visited has such provision. The study further revealed that the furniture and equipment in the university libraries were almost in line with LRCN Standards but just for some that is necessary but not found in the university libraries. During the collection of data by the researchers, it was observed that some of the university libraries do not have enough shelves to organise their acquired information materials and as such, some of the print materials where seen on the floor or packed in a cartoon where it was not being assessed by the library users. Based on the findings the following recommendations were made. That the university management and the university librarian should have a meeting point and see how the library building can be renovated so as to create enough space required for furniture and fittings and other facilities in the library building. It was also recommended that there should be enough and adequate furniture in the library to enhance the performance of the library personnel through proper organization of the library resources. The LRCN personnel should be among the NUC verification team, when going for university facilities verification before academic take-off, through that means they will ensure that the university libraries is well equip with adequate spaces and facilities for human and material resources before taking off for the academic programme
