Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-9-2021

Document Type



The purpose of this study is to explore publication trends in financial inclusion for the period 2006-2020. Financial inclusion is an effort to provide financial services to the backward and low-income people of society. It is a dynamic area of research in which the majority of research work is being done. The data has been extracted from the Scopus database, the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Various indicators are used year-wise growth trends, degree of collaboration, collaborative coefficient, highly productive and influential authors, most productive and meaningful institutes, most productive countries, most supportive funding agencies, most preferred sources, and so on. A total of 1550 documents were published with 7773 citations. Munene J. C. was a highly productive author who has contributed 16 papers with 89 citations and 14 h-index. The highly cited author was Klapper L, whose contribution was six documents with 319 citations. The highly cited article was Financial Inclusion and development, by Sarma M. & Pais J., has a maximum number of citations (i.e., 154) published in the source ‘Journal of international development. The most productive and influential Institute was Makerere University, Uganda, with its contributions of 25 documents. The most productive country was India, with a list of 417 documents. The most preferred source is ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ with 49 documents. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s funding has produced the highest number of publications (i.e., 27 papers). The most Preferred Subjects were economics; Econometrics, and Finance, i.e., 756 papers. In 1550,the published majority of publications were articles (i.e., 1156). The quality of the source is assessed by SJR, SNIP, H-index, and Quartiles. The VOS viewer 1.6.16 was used for keyword co-occurrence and authorship network visualization.
