"Are We Doing Enough? A Bibliometric Analysis of Hate Speech Research " by Richa Mishra Dr

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-3-2021

Document Type



The use of the bibilometric analytical technique for examining hate speech research does not exist in the literature till now. Phenomena of hate speech are quite novel and urgent. The objective of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis of hate speech research work and publication in the Scopus index. Analysed parameters includes document type, publication output, most active countries, most involved universities and funding agencies etc. Social media and new media is one of the most powerful tool of communication. Digital world has gained its firm foothold. More and more communication, business, lifestyle related work is moving on-line. This has exponentially increased the number of users. Billions of users in this media means , more diverse conversations, opinions, agreements, disagreement, bullying and good and hate speech. Hate speech is worrying the institutions, business, social media host and government. This paper is an attempt to understand the true sense of hate speech. This paper aims to understand the presence of hate speech related research. The author feels that a sudden urgency can be seen and felt due to recent incidents pf hate speech in digital world. This was apparent from this bibiliometric analysis.

Hatespeech- Bibliometric- edited.doc (2825 kB)
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