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What factors shape e-book adoption outcomes? What does the research literature on technology adoption and information behavior have to offer that informs understanding of e-book user behavior in terms of maturity model to distinguish between nascent and mature behaviors? Exploration of the literatures shows that e-book adoption behavior might be understood in terms of information behavior theory, factors in human-computer interaction and other theories. Hence, theoretical framework for this study incorporates technology acceptance model, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, role of hedonic attributes, role of culture of use, role of facilitating conditions, familiarity, expectation confirmation theory, and uses and gratifications theory.
This paper is based on self-reported information behavior. A convenience sample was constructed of academics, general staff and students at Edith Cowan University (ECU), Perth, Australia, and a survey conducted after pilot testing. Statistical analysis and interpretation of data on self-reported behavior also leads to a notion of e-book user maturity based on user behavioral traits and conditions that facilitate growth in reader maturity mostly around demographic factors. Subject to its limitations, the current study is a first or early attempt at developing a notion of e-book information behavior maturity grounded in self-reported information behavior.
The author has extracted this article from his PhD dissertation available at the Edith Cowan University website .