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The main objective of the study is to identify and examine the characteristics of the highly cited and hot papers on Coronavirus and COVID 19. The distributions of highly cited and hot papers per year, country, organization and journal were analyzed, as well as authorship pattern and most frequently used keywords. The Web of Science (WOS) indexing database was selected to extract the bibliometric data of highly cited and hot papers on Coronavirus. Top cited and hot papers mainly originated from China, the United States, England, and Saudi Arabia and the majority were published from 2019 to 2020. The University of Hong Kong and Huazhong University of Science and Technology were leading organizations. Journal of Medical Virology, the Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine were top in publishing. Many of the publications have been contributed by multiple authors as compared to a single author. The frequently used keywords included acute respiratory syndrome, pneumonia, coronavirus, outbreak, infection, respiratory syndrome coronavirus, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS‐CoV). This bibliometric analysis of the highly cited articles on Coronavirus and COVID 19 from Web of Science has demonstrated several significant points, which help to map the progress on COVID 19 development and recent research trends and potentially guide Coronavirus researchers for evaluating and orienting their future research works.
