Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study aims to describe and analyze the relationship between Perceptions of User Ease (PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Attitudes Toward Using (ATU), and Acceptance (ACC) of the Union Catalog Server-based Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) by librarians and library managers within the scope of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative descriptive. Sampling using total sampling. The research analysis used SmartPLS 3.0 to test 4 primary constructs (internal variable) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on the answers of 27 respondents spread across 27 libraries in Indonesia using the SLiMS Union Catalog Server. The results show that (1) PEOU has a significant effect on PU. It can be seen that the t-statistic value is above 1.96 (4.716) t-table sign at level 0, 5% (0.649). (2) PEOU does not affect ATU. It can be seen that the t-statistic value is below 1.96 (0.088), the insign t-table is below the 0.5% level (0.030). (3) PU has a significant effect on ATU. It can be seen that the t-statistic value is above 1.96 (2.649) t-table sign at the level of 0.5% (0.803). (4) PU has a significant effect on ACC of the system. It is seen that the t-statistic value is above 1.96 (2.446) t-table sign at the level of 0.5% (0.574). (5) ATU does not affect ACC. It can be seen that the t-statistic value is below 1.96 (1.241), and the insign t-table is below the 0.5% (0.307) level. It is concluded that of the five hypotheses proposed, 2 of them do not have a significant relationship, and 3 of them have a significant relationship. The master catalog system's importance is measured and assessed regularly using TAM so that system users can easily accept and use it without any constraints to providing the best results for library reference services.
