Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Document Type
The purpose of this study is to enquire the gratifications of Social Media Networks (SMN) among the Library & Information Science (LIS) students of Panjab University, Chandigarh. The study is based on survey method and convenience sampling has been used for data collection along with a close-ended questionnaire. A total of 43 valid responses have been recorded in which 74.4% students are female and remaining 25.6% are male. The highest gratification has been shown towards privacy concerns where students agreed over controlling the privacy setting on SMNs (M=4.33) and provide limited personal information to avoid misuse (M=4.30). The lowest gratification is mainly towards self-discourse where students refuse to write long posts about themselves on social media (M=2.77) and hesitate to disclose intimate and personal things through social media networks (M=2.60).