Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version


Document Type



Original research paper


Modern information technology has been changed in digital preservation. Metadata is an important component in cultural heritage. This paper has discussed the item relationships of different collections with the help of Dublin Core, BIBO (Bibliographic Ontology), FOAF (Friend of a Friend), and FRBR (Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records) for management of digital cultural heritage resources. Create a common interface for integration of these four metadata vocabulary standards with Omeka as fulfilling the item relationships from different collections. It also explores some scripts and semantic web scale services using digital object identifiers, uniform resource identifier, and uniform resource locations. However, users have very much benefitedfrom using this semantic web technologies to designing and developing domain specific cultural heritage resources with the help of basic system integrated framework on the basis of global recommendations and local requirements as per metadata vocabularies. Now the whole integrated framework is designed on Ubuntu Operating System and LAMP architecture. This framework is very useful and effective for the users.
