Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 3-26-2021

Document Type



As an essential component and one of the quality assessment measures, the availability of electronic resources is gaining significance in libraries, hence increasingly becoming part of the acquisition and collection-building activities. Libraries and information centres play a pivotal role in selecting, acquiring and providing effective access to electronic resources to its users under various categories to meet their academic and scholarly requirements. This paper analyses the availability and distribution of electronic resources among the selected libraries of the Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) in India. Researchers have chosen six IIMs identified as first-generation libraries for analysing the holding of e-resources as part of its library services. The study compares various dimensions of electronic resources such as availability of different types of resources, its source of availability, mode of access and the customized services through specialized tools and collaborative networks. Researchers observed from the analysis that all the first-generation IIM libraries are part of IIM library consortia and are the major source of electronic resources rather than individual subscriptions and the majority of the libraries are providing customized services through specialized access tools. The findings and suggestions incorporated in this study may be useful for the library professionals and the administrators associated with the IIM libraries to further improve the management of their electronic resources.
