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Panjab University in pharmacy discipline ranked 2nd in NIRF-2019 rankings. The University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS) of Panjab University Chandigarh is a premier institute of pharmaceutical education and research in India. The present study attempts to analyze research output and publication trends of authors of the UIPS during 2009-2018. The study is based on the data extracted from Scopus database and mainly examines the year-wise research output, major subject-wise contributions, national and international collaborations, most preferred journals, types of publications, authorship pattern, highly cited paper, most prolific authors, keywords and citations pattern of the UIPS during the period of ten years. The study revealed that total 978 research publications have been published by the authors of the UIPS which received 15318 citations during the above said period. The highest collaborative publications (5.32%) were published with United States of America. O.P. Katare is the most prolific author publishing 145 research publications having 2057 citations. Total 88.65% research papers of the institute have been cited by other authors and 14 papers received more than 100 citations.
